Selling Your Chometz
So what is the deal with this “selling of chometz” thing?
As you may know, one of the primary Mitzvos of Passover is the prohibition of owning chometz - leavened food material - during the Holiday. This can sometimes create a challenge. Most homes have a pantry full of cereal, cake mixes, snacks, crackers and cookies, not to mention a liquor cabinet. (most spirits are made with grain – and are chometz). Is there some way of avoiding the ownership of chometz on Passover without getting rid of your chometz forever?
There is. Since the commandment to rid one's domain of chometz is binding only on a Jew, you can sell your chometz to a non-Jew, and then buy it back from him after Passover. It is important to note this sale is not a simple matter and should not be done on your own, but through a competent Rabbi. It is not just symbolic, but rather a 100% legally binding transaction. It is also completely “safe,” with no risk of losing your precious cereal.
Our dear Rabbi will be more than happy to transact the sale for you, after obtaining power-of-attorney from you to sell your chometz with the attached form.
It is a good idea to designate the areas where you'll be placing the chometz you're selling. These can be cupboards, closets, rooms, or an entire house. So you see… it is all quite simple!
Sell Chometz Online
Sell Chometz by Mail/Email
Please print this form, fill it out and mail it to:
2233 West Mequon Rd, Mequon WI 53092
or email it to [email protected]
KNOW YE that I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Rapoport to act in my place and stead, and my behalf to sell all the Chometz possessed to me (knowingly or unknowingly) as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic Law (e.g. Chometz, possible Chometz, and all kinds of Chometz mixtures.) Also Chometz that tends to harden and to adhere to inside surfaces of pans, pots or cooking and usable utensils. And to lease all places wherein the Chometz owned by me may be found, especially in the premises located at
_______________________________________ and elsewhere.
Rabbi Rapoport has the full right to sell and to lease by transactions as he deems fit and proper and for such time which he believes necessary in accordance with all detailed terms and detailed forms as explained in the general authorization contracts which have been given this year to Rabbi Rapoport full power and authority to appoint a substitute in his stead with full power to sell and to lease as provided therein. The above given power is in conformity with all Torah and Rabbinical regulations and laws, and also in accordance with laws of the State of Wisconsin and of the United States.
Please print:
Name ___________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
Business Address_______________________________________________________________
DATE __________________.